CyanogenMod on HP Touchpad step by step Guide and Tutorial.

How to install CyanogenMod On HP Touchpad 

Custom ROM for HP TouchPad .
Step By Step Tutorial. 

how to install Cyanogenmod 9  Tutorial .

Credit : RolandDeschain79

Welcome to the CyanogenMod the Easy Way installation guide for the HP TouchPad.

2) Download, extract and open the Novacom files and Read ME.

Run and install the UniversalNovacomInstaller-1.3 software onto your PC.

Once the installation has completed navigate to the install directory on your PC. The Default path will be C:/Program Files/ Palm, Inc.

Once there Paste the files located in the “Add to Palm, Inc folder” here.

Note* OS X, users should put these files into /opt/nova/bin.

Click the picture below to see the location:

3) Choose One of the following versions of CyanogenMod. Download your chosen package and extract it to your PC. Next attach your HP TouchPad to your PC with the USB cable and place it into USB Drive Mode(WebOS) or MTP mode(Android). Open the extracted folder and transfer the cminstall folder into the Internal Storage of your HP TouchPad; the location the opens when the USB is attached to the PC/Mac. Make sure that the folder is named "cminstall". Once complete disconnect the TouchPad from USB cable.

CyanogenMod Installation Package Downloads:

Note! This one folder now contains all 4 needed files!

(Thanks to Mpgrimm2 for Dev hosting the files)


Once the cminstall files are on The HP TouchPad, it’s time to reboot into WebOS Recovery mode(aka USB mode).

If you are currently running WebOS you must disconnect the USB cable from the PC.

On your PC look for the USB icon in the bottom right corner, click it and eject the HP TouchPad.
In WebOS Reboot the device by going into Settings/Device Info/ and select “Reset options” choose restart.


In Android Reboot the device by holding down the power button and select Reboot/OK.
As soon as the screen goes dark hold down the volume up button until you enter WebOS Recovery mode(aka USB Mode). Note* the large USB symbol that should be on the screen. If you miss it just reboot again and hold down the Volume up button right away. Now connect your USB cable to the PC.

Open a Command Prompt or Terminal

On your PC:

Open a command prompt by going to the start button and typing CMD into the search window (enter)


Open a command prompt by Opening the Palm, Inc folder, Hold [Shift] & [Right Click] then select "open Command window here"

On your Mac: 

Mac OS X users will need to start a Terminal window. This can be found in the /Applications/Utilities folder.

Using the Command Prompt or Terminal

-Next either type or copy and paste the following into the command prompt (without the part in brackets)

cd\ (enter)

cd program files (enter)

cd palm, inc (enter)

(Only type One of the Following lines below.)

Note:The ACMEInstaller3 can and should be used to install all versions of CyanogenMod.

On your PC

novacom.exe boot mem:// < ACMEInstaller3 (Upgrade from CM7 to CM9)

novacom.exe boot mem:// < ACMEInstaller3 (Upgrade from CM9 to CM10 or install CM10)
novacom.exe boot mem:// < ACMEUninstaller (uninstall CyanogenMod, All versions)

Installation on Mac 

novacom boot mem:// < ACMEInstaller3 (Upgrade from CM7 to CM9)
novacom boot mem:// < ACMEInstaller3 (Upgrade from CM9 to CM10 or install CM10)
novacom boot mem:// < ACMEUninstaller (uninstall CyanogenMod, All versions)
Note: Mac OS X users will enter the commands without the ".exe" extension.
-You will see the lines of text scrolling on the HP TouchPad while CyanogenMod is installing. Now disconnect the USB cable from the HP TouchPad. Once this is complete you will be greeted with the Moboot menu and CyanogenMod will boot for the first time. You will be taken through a series of menus to setup the device. Congratulations you have now installed CyanogenMod onto your HP TouchPad, Have Fun.

(Optional) Automated Installers/Uninstallers/Toolkits [Threads]:
There are now two great threads about automated installers that can make your Android experience almost effortless.


1)Note: If you are unable to find the Play Store after you install CyanogenMod, then you will need to reflash your gapps package. Click Here for the how to video!

2)Note: Once running CyanogenMod for the first time, you may need to enable MTP(Media Transfer Protocol) This will enable the TouchPad to transfer files and charge using the USB cable. To Enable MTP mode, Go to settings/storage, look for the three dots in the upper right hand corner of the screen, tap computer connection, and make sure there is a check next to MTP.

Gapps Downloads:

Gapps Mirrors:

3)Note: When using the acmeinstaller2/3, the Rom and Gapps files must begin with update-xxxx. If update- is not present the Rom and gapps may not install. You can add update- to the Rom & Gapps file names if it is missing.

CyanogenMod package contents explained:

There are currently three versions of CyanogenMod provided here to install. I would highly recommend installing CyanogenMod 9 (CM9) for first time users. CM9 has reached a good level of maturity and stability. CyanogenMod 10 (CM10) is currently a very functional unofficial Preview build but still has a couple bugs. CyanogenMod7 (CM7) also works well but is a little dated and not well supported like CM9/CM10 are.
-You will need 4 files to install CyanogenMod. The first two files can vary depending on the version you choose to install. CyanogenMod 9 is used here for Example:

1) (Installs your Android Operating System)

2)update- gapps-ics-20120429-signed (Installs your Gapps Package, Play Store & Applications)

3)moboot_0.3.5 (Installs your Boot Menu options)

4)update-CWM6_tenderloin-20121215 (Installs ClockWorkMod6 recovery)

Special thanks to Author  RolandDeschain79
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