Check Out The Video Below!
Using this installation method all the features will work, like the Google Now page that is located on the left side of the homescreen, the always listening microphone with the command "Okay Google" to launch Google Now, and even the Nexus 5 wallpapers are included.
Note: Your Android device needs to be running on Jelly Bean 4.1 or above for this to work!
How to install Nexus 5 Android 4.4 Kit Kat Launcher on any Android Device:
1. Open up Settings then go down to Security and check mark "Unknown sources".
2. Download GoogleHome.apk and using the links below onto your phone.
Download GoogleHome.apk
3. Locate both the apk files you just downloaded. If you downloaded the files directly to your phone they are located in your downloads folder, you can use a file manager to locate the apk files.
4. Select GoogleHome.apk and install it. Once completed press "Done" not "Open".
5. Select and install it. Once completed press "Done" not "Open".
6. Press the home button and select the new Google Experience Launcher for your Android device!
Credits - XDA
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