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Sometimes you just need to unroot your phone because you might not have the needs for root features, need to send back your phone to your carrier/manufacture, or for any other reason this unroot guide will get the job done!
This will work with all LG G3 variants including:
- AT&T D850 LG G3
- T-Mobile D851 LG G3
- Sprint LS990 LG G3
- Verizon VS985 LG G3
- Korean F400L LG G3
- Korean F400S LG G3
- Korean F400K LG G3
- Open D855 LG G3
- European D855 LG G3
- Canadian Bell, Rogers, and Videotron LG G3
Follow the guide below to unroot the LG G3!
1. Power off your phone. Press and hold the power button and select "Power off" and then "OK" on the LG G3.
2. Press and hold the volume up. Keep holding and plug in a microUSB to your phone. You should now see "Firmware Update", if you don't re-do step 2.
Note: Make sure the USB side is already plugged into the computer before performing step 2!
3. Open up Device Manager on your computer.
4. Find "Ports (COM & LPT)", click on the tab on the left to expand it. You should see "LGE Mobile USB Serial Port (COM)".
If you can't find step 4 in Device Manger download and install LG USB driver using the link below first and then look again.
Download LGUnitedMobileDriver_S50MAN311AP22_ML_WHQL_Ver_3.11.3.exe
5. Double click on "LGE Mobile USB Serial Port (COM)" > Port Settings > Advanced > next to "COM Port Number:" choose "COM41".
6. Click on "OK" and then "OK" again.
7. Download "" using the download link below.
8. Unzip "" and install Setup_LGFlashTool_1.8.6.527.exe.
Note: At the last installation step when it asks you to "Run LGFlashTool" uncheck it. Then click "Finish".
9. In the "Setup_LGFlashTool" folder there is a file called "MegaLock.dll". Copy this file and replace it in C:\LG\LGFlashTool
Note: The "C:" is your main Windows hard drive.
10. Download the LG G3 stock firmware for your specific LG G3 model using the link below. Make sure you download both the .dll and zip file.
Download LG G3 Stock Firmware (.dll & zipped .TOT)
11. Unzip the stock file and you will see .TOT in the unzipped folder. You now have a .TOT and a .dll file for your LG G3.
12. Open LGFashTool, this icon should now be on your desktop. If it isn't look in C:\LG\LGFlashTool.
13. Click on "Select Manual Mode".
14. Click on "..." and choose the .dll that you downloaded in step 10.
15. Click on "Add" and choose the .TOT stock firmware that we downloaded in step 10 and that we unzipped in step 11.
16. Now click on "OK".
17. Click on the yellow arrow located at the top left of the program and wait until the middle gray box disappears.
18. You should now see only 1 yellow box that says "READY!!". All the other ports should say "DISABLE".
19. Quickly unplug your phone and plug it back in. We do this so that LG FlashTool starts the unrooting process.
You should now see "Waiting for Connection."
20. After 4-5 minutes LG FlashTool will say "PASS!!" and your phone with have a blue screen with "Factory Reset Status 3".
21. You can now unplug your phone, take out the battery, put it back in, and power on your phone.
Congrats, your phone is now fully unrooted and on complete stock. It is now just like when you first bought the phone, even safe enough to send to your carrier!
Q: After LG FlashTool said "PASSED" I got stuck on a bootloop.
A: Wait at least 10 minutes since you just installed a fresh OS it could take some time. After 10 minutes and if your still stuck on a bootloop enter into recovery mode and select "Yes" and "Yes" again. This will do a factory reset and fix the bootloop.
Q: LG FlashTool keeps failing, what am I doing wrong?
A: Make sure your using the included LG USB cable!! Also change USB ports and try this guide on a different computer.
Q: After this process can I now send this back to my carrier/manufacture?
A: Yes, you are now on complete stock. Root, custom recovery, custom ROM, or any other sign of modding is gone!
Q: Is there a way to unroot the LG G3 on Mac?
A: No there isn't a way to unroot the LG G3 on Mac at this time.
Credits - XDA
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