Android 4.3 Jelly Bean is available for Samsung Galaxy Y GT S5630. The phone which is one of the most sold device from Samsung, popularity of device makes it perfect piece for Android Developers to show their creativity and piece of mind. We all know that Cyanogen Mod is one of best Custom ROMs available for Samsung devices and finally Cyanogen Mod(CyanoCream) based custom ROM for Samsung Galaxy Y is revamped to version 3 with taste of Android 4.3 and tons to improvements including superb themes, revamped UI, Holo Launcher, Android 4.3 status bar, it’s simply what you ever wanted.
The real thread over XDA Developer forum (view it here) was closed in earlier time. I don’t know why the thread was stopped. May be it is because of proper credits was not given to source ROM developers. The links to this ROM has been removed from the real thread but some how we have manage to find them and thus with perfect tutorial we presenting it to our blog readers.
Apart from powerful features and improvements, this ROM is most stable and smoothest too. I have tried tons of Custom ROM on my Galaxy Y but this ROM is definitely best. From last year, I was using Jelly Blast v3 ROM on my device and now this, the performance and stability is increased in all aspects.
The CyanoCream version 3 is the most smoothest yet powerful Rom, basically its an hybrid of Jelly Blast with tons of improvements and cool new features. So using this Custom ROM we can have taste of Android 4.3 Jelly Bean, so here is guide on how to install this Rom.
Screen shots
Lock Screen
About Phone
Core Setting
ROM Parts
Notification Bar
Task Bar
BenchMark Tools
Chain Fire Inbuilt
What best about this Custom ROM
- Beat Audio Engine – Hear the most clear and loudest sound ever with CyanoCream Sound Manager.
- Bravia Engine 3 – It let you click the best life like picture using CyanoCream Camera App.
- Special built-in Features – Many features including complete CPU controls, chainfire 3-d, terminal emulator , Kernel Free and all apps are modified to look like Android 4.3
Features of Andorid 4.3 Jelly Bean custom ROM.
- Sleek and Smooth CyanoCream Framework in jellybean flavour.
- All new transition animations
- Lovely and sleek Jelly Bean Tabbed Settings.
- Settings with in built features like : Cpu Frequency Control,Gallery Lock,Bench-Mark,System app Installer, etc..
- Cyanogen-mod 10 10 File Manager.
- Android 4.3 Status Bar With Some CyanoCream Touch Ups.
- Stylish Android 4.3 Icons.
- Beautiful Android 4.3 Transition Animations.
- Android 4.3 Desk Clock and Clock Widgets.
- CyanoCream Transparent Dialer with HD Caller screen Images support.
- CyanoCream Transparent Ui Contacts with HD Contacts Images.
- Android 4.3 Calender with Agenda options too.
- Cool Transparent Android 4.3 Memo.
- Awesome looking Android 4.3 FM Radio.
- Fast, Simple Sleek Presenting CyanoCream Camera.
- All Google Apps updated to Latest Version.
- Modified Gapps to look like Jelly-Bean Apps
- Transparent Messaging app with multiple theme support.
- Jelly Bean Themed Calculator, Task Manager, Google Search, GMail and Email apps.
- All new CyanoWallpapers app with more than all new 50 wallpapers.
Tweaked and SuperCharged
- Loopy Smoothness.
- SysInit.
- Journaling.
- Journalism Off.
- Kick Ass Kernelised
- Dis_Norm_Sleeper.
- V6 Super cahrger Script
- Sqlite_Optimizer.
- 3g Turbo Boost
- Wifi After Burner
- Mobile Bravia Engine 3
- CyanoCream Sound Manager with Dobly Sound
- 18 Local.prop Tweaks
- 20 Build.prop Tweaks(Quick 3G, AdBlocker, Image Clarity Tweaks etc.)
Note: We have personally tried it on our devices and it worked perfectly. No bugs and issues have been found till now. It is completely safe to install it on your device. But if in any case, you’re device get damaged or bricked then we will not be responsible for that. This tutorial is only for knowledge and education purpose.
To install it properly and avoiding any bugs and issues, you must follow the exact procedure and step listed in our guide. It is highly recommended that you read all the pre-requisites listed below very carefully and make sure that your device compile with them.
This Android 4.3 Jelly Bean Custom ROM is only made for Samsung Galaxy Y GT S5360 model, it meant nothing for any other device. Don’t try to install it on any other model of Galaxy Y, it could damage it to root level.
This ROM will root your phone, that means your device warranty will void. So be sure to install this ROM. You can un-root your device by install stock ROM using Odin or following the un-rooting guide.
It is recommended to backup your current ROM. If anything goes wrong, then you can easily switch back to your old ROM using this backup. To backup current ROM, you need to enter into the recovery mode (look in installation steps) , then look for “backup & restore” option. Using these option, you can easily backup your ROM.
The installation process will erase phone’s memory completely. So, if you have any important data on phone’s memory then save it safe place and then move to further guide.
Make sure your phone have at least 50% charging, it is recommended that you charge you phone good battery level. The entire process will take some time, so your phone must be not turned off.
- Download the Android 4.3 CyanoCream V3 custom ROM zip file here. (CyanoCream V3
- Download the White Xp kernel Zip file here. (
- Download the Temp CWM recovery here. (
- Download the Wifi drivers for White XP kernel here. (dhd1.0 White
Note :- If you’ve tried this ROM with this guide and followed the exact steps, but still you’re facing problems then you must first install the Base-ROM on it and then flash this.
How to install Android 4.3 Jelly Bean to Samsung Galaxy Y
The whole procedure is very simple to understand and apply. But still if have any problem then ask us via commenting.
- Firstly download all the four zip files listed in download section and put them to SD card of your device. Don’t put them under any directory or folder, just open SD card and copy them there.
- Now turn off the device and wait for 5-7 seconds.
- Now hold and press Volume UP + Home + Power button at same time until Samsung logo appears on screen. Now release the buttons and you’ll be entering to recovery mode very soon.
- Note: – This step is only for stock recovery users. If you’re already on CWM recovery then skip this step. From recovery mode, select “apply update from sdcard” and then “choose zip from SD card”. Find and locate TempCWM. zip file and select “Yes” on next screen to confirm your selection. Now you’ll be at new recovery mode.
- Now go to select “mounts and storage” and then mount the followings: mount mount system,mount data and mount cache.
- Now select “install zip from sd card” then “Choose zip from sdcard”. Find and locate the “” file. On next screen select “Yes” to confirm the installation process. This is the kernel file and this is required by this ROM.
- Now select “install zip from sd card” then “Choose zip from sdcard”. Find and locate the “dhd1.0 White” file. On next screen select “Yes” to confirm the installation process.
- Now go to “advance” and then select “Reboot Recovery”.
- Now go to “mounts and storage” and “format” followings: format system, format data and format cache.
- Now go to select “mounts and storage” and then mount the followings: mount mount system,mount data and mount cache.
- Go back main menu of recovery, again, and go to Advanced-> Wipe Dalvik Cache and select Yes from the next screen to confirm it.
- Now its time to flash the ROM file . Select “install zip from sd card” then “Choose zip from sdcard”. Find and locate the “CyanoCream V3” file. On next screen select “Yes” to confirm the installation process.
- After it completes, from menu select “Wipe data/Factory reset”, then select “Yes” on the next screen to confirm it.
- Go back to main menu and select “reboot system now”. You’re don with installation process.
So you have installed Android 4.3 Jelly Bean custom ROM on your Galaxy Y. For the first time it will take several minutes, which is normal. Fill your Google Account details to get started with phone and for the high performance, follow the below final touch steps.
Final Touch up for Galaxy Y Running Android 4.3
When you done with installing the ROM and configuring the Google Account, you’ll notice that performance is not high, it is average. To make high performance, you need to perform following configuration setting to your device.
Firstly, we will configure the CPU settings. Go to settings then on top of the screen you’ll see multiple tabs, Settings, Parts, Core and About. Select the “Core” tab and then “Performance“. Now you’ll be at Performance control, there select CPU Control then, tap on “Governor” option and select the “performance” radio button.
After it, Tap on I/O scheduler and then select “sio” radio button. Now check the Apply on button box and then tap the apply button placed at down left side. Now you’ve done with CPU setting, you’ll see a huge difference in performance just applying settings.
Now, from your menu look for the “Seeder” named app. Launch it turned it on and check all boxes listed there. From “RNG services performance profile” select “Light“. This app will help your phone to launch, switch and run apps as quick as possible, it over all play good roll in improving phone performance.
Gift for Samsung Galaxy Y users Running Android 4.3 ROM
If you like games, then I guess you also like the Subway surfers too. After installing this custom ROM, to check its gaming capability download and install Subway surfers from here. Many thanks to Xback (XDA developer), who modded and distributed this game. The game overall runs good and on any other ROM, this game runs very slow and with many lags. This simply governs how good is this ROM. I hope you like my small gift. Show your appreciation by sharing this post to your friends and family.
So, you have done with the recommended setting.
After installing the Rom if you face the WiFi problem then to solve it follow the below steps:
- Reboot to recovery mode, again mount data, system, and cache.
- Flash the “dhd1.0 White” file using “install zip from sd card” followed by “choose zip from sd card”.
- Theneb root your device
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