After so much of waiting the 5sec sold out Redmi 1s has finally got an UNOFFICIAL android L update.Now this is in any means not for daily use as RIL does not work which means you cant make calls /MSG or use internet with you cellular data connection and as has some minor bugs. If you'll still want a taste of lollipop on your Redmi 1s then go ahead and flash it
- Reboot into recovery (latest official TWRP recommended).
- Wipe Data and Cache and Dalvik Cache
- Flash ROM and Gapps.
- Reboot.

All credits goes to syhost @ Mokee developers
Thanks for reading my news about MOKEE ANDROID L 5.0.1 Rom for redmi 1S (Pre-Alpha Release) at my blog Bros Droid if you want too share this article, please put the resource, and if you think this article is very usefully dont forget to bookmark this site with CTRL + D on your keyboard to web browser.