Check Out The Video Below!
This ROM doesn't include every single feature possible, but includes more minimal features that are helpful on daily basis. Some Rastapop features include controlling the brightness by sliding the status bar with your finger, advanced boot menu, battery percent in the status bar, and a few others!
A simple, but favorite feature of mine that the developer added was the clear recent apps options. This feature is a one tap feature that clears any recent apps all in one go! It a big time saver when you don't need to individually clear out one app at a time.
Overall, Rastapop ROM is a solid ROM that is a very solid for anyone who is looking into getting started in using custom ROMS. This ROM doesn't overwhelm the beginner user with too many features, but the features that are included are very useful for anyone!
Download Rastapop ROM for Nexus 6 using the download links below!
Download Rastapop ROM for Nexus 6
Download Gapps
Download SuperSU
How to install Rastapop ROM:
1. Enter into Recovery Mode
2. Wipe device
3. Flash Rastapop
4. Flash Gapps
5. Flash SuperSU (Flash if you want root access)
6. Reboot Nexus 6
Credits - XDA
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