Sometimes our IMEI NUMBER get corrupt due to one reason or the other, some may notice this error after flashing their phones, while sometimes the IMEI automatically get corrupt by itself.
IMEI NUMBER corruption can prevent your phone from doing many things E.X: It'll prevent you from MAKING CALLS  and also you'll find out difficult to check your ACCOUNT BALANCE because it'll only be popping out error message(NETWORK CONNECTION ERROR etc).

To Fix this IMEI ERROR all you need is to follow the steps below

  • First Download MOBILEUNCLE TOOL: 
  • Goto ENGINEER mode, inside it you'll see something like Engineer mode Android and Engineer mode MTK, click on Engineer mode MTK

  • After that goto connectivity by swiping to the right(once)

  • Then goto CDS information and goto Radio information

  • After CLICK on Radio information you'll see Phone one(which means Sim1) and Phone2 (which means sim2)

  • CLICK on Phone1 if you which to change the IMEI number of Sim1 and Phone2 if you want to changes IMEI number of Sim2, after that you've arrived where the real work is.

  • Now to start putting your IMEI number all you have to do is…

  • At first you can only see AT+ in other to see the remaining ones there(EGMR=1,7"") you have to be the one to add E And others will appear or that you click on SPACE button in your device then clean the SPACE for it to appear…
    Note1: if you wanna change sim1 you'll use AT+EGMR=1,7"***************"and if it's sim2 you'll use AT+EGMR=1,10"***************"
    Note 2: those place you see************ is where you'll put your IMEI number…
    Note 3: your IMEI number must be 15digit number
    Now after putting the IMEI number you click on SEND AT COMMAND and if it write MSENT that means that it's successful and is it write FAILED that means you have an error, what you'll do not is to put space in AT+spaceEGMR I.e AT+ EGMR then send it and you'll receive a successful reply...
    Now instead of you to REBOOT your device before the IMEI number will change just ON YOUR AIRPLANE MODE then OFF it after some seconds…
    To check your IMEI number goto DIALPAD and Dial *#06# to confirm that you've change it.
    Thanks for reading my news about How to fix INVALID IMEI NUMBER at my blog Bros Droid if you want too share this article, please put the resource, and if you think this article is very usefully dont forget to bookmark this site with CTRL + D on your keyboard to web browser.

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