Some of us(bloggers) have been receiving many types of error messages when installing or uploading template in their blog using a mobile device. This particular thing has been an issue for upcoming bloggers/starters and know you that you can overcome this problem by following the steps below…
STEP1: The first thing you need to consider is the type of browser that you used uploading it(Such as those who are using UC BROWSER in blogging). For me I'll suggest the use of strong browsers like your phone's default browser, chrome browser, fire fox(Mozilla) and many other browsers that are capable for the task so that you can get a good or better reply/response.
Note: BLOGGER/BLOGSPOT doesn't support the use of UC BROWSER and many other small browsers.
All you need to do is that you have to backup your template again then you can now edit it properly but if you can recognize where you made mistakes when you're coding the template then it will be easier for you…
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