[ROM][KOPA] Dirty Unicorns 10.0.6 R74 For Cherry Mobile Me Vibe X170 [MT6592]

[ROM][KOPA] Dirty Unicorns 10.0.6 R74 For Cherry Mobile Me Vibe X170 [MT6592]

[ROM][KOPA] Dirty Unicorns 10.0.6 R74 For Cherry Mobile Me Vibe X170 [MT6592] Screenshot

[ROM][KOPA] Dirty Unicorns 10.0.6 R74 For Cherry Mobile Me Vibe X170 [MT6592] Screenshot

About Us: 

Dirty Unicorns is a project that started out with no name. It was a project that was first based off AOKP back in the early days of Jelly Bean. In the early days -- it was just a one man show on one device, the EVO 3D. Since then, many others have joined the project and it has grown exponentially. 

We have seen a lot of talent contribute to this project of ours. Big or small, the focus was always on contributing to the community. That is ultimately why we do what we do. After Jelly Bean, we decided to move to a new base, OmniROM. While AOKP was fun, OmniROM proved to be even more exciting base because it challenged us to see what we could do with a project that had different goals in mind. We learned a lot and gained contributors in the process. With Lollipop, we moved to an AOSP base with a lot of patches from CAF to make our older devices function as they should. We grew further with experience and learned a lot more along the way. 

It has been an awesome learning experience and it's still not over! We are still learning, striving to grow each day, and continuing to move forward. Lastly, weDO NOT accept, nor ask, for donations. We do not believe in that. Everything that is necessary to keep this project going comes out of our own pocket. Gerrit, Jenkins, Websites, Devices, etc. We will never ask for a dime. All that we do ask is that you have patience, search for answers prior to posting, read, and try to enjoy the process with us!! 

What's Working : 

> Camera working
> Video rec working via Camu app
> No Need to reboot for apps to apear in app drawer
> Hotspot Fixed
> BT Fixed
> FM fixed
> GPS fixed
> Data working
> 1080p playback in gallery fixed
> youtube 720p fixed
> youtube live playback fixed
> No Sim fixed
> No Network drop found
> USSD Fixed
> Autorotation Fixed
> All sensors working
> After Reboot QuickSetiings Too
> Rest Are As CM13
> Too many features
> GPS fixed completely 

Bugs :
2G/3G Switch
VPN (See workaround #2)

Changelogs :- (Nov 2016)
> Upstreamed to r74
> Nov 2016 Security Patch Level
> Camera fc after few clicks fixed
> Inverted video recording issues fixed
> New FM app added and working
> playback issues in gallery fixed
> fixed ril and USSD directly from source
> google sync due to old stagefright is fixed
> Offine Charging Animation fixed
> Fixed Carrier Name instead of Number
> Improved Performance
> Added Stock Power Profiles
> Improved Battery Backup
> Added Ambient Display by Default ( check last screenrecord )
> Fixed Xposed in release 74 (r74 contains whitelisting which causes bootloop if any extra app is added which is not mentioned in white list)
> Fixed all UI lags
> Added MultiUser UI 


[Link ##download##]

Note:- If you face playservices fc after flashing gapps then simply go to settings/apps and enable all playservices permissions.

Workaround :-
1. To fix green screen on some apps like twithc, snapchat etc

Delete This Line from Build.prop and reboot.


(Note :- It'll Broke 1080p Video Playback on Gallery.)

2. To get VPN working on Old Kernel

NO As Tunnling Whole Device Is Not working !

[THANKS TO A @nervehammerFOR THIS]

Use VPN for wifi
1. Download psiphon from playstore and open it, choose Browser-Only mode don't tunnel whole device.
2. Go to its logs tab and check the port of http proxy.
3. Now open WiFi setting and long press to your WiFi network (from which u are connected) go to modify tab and from check the advanced options.
4. Chosen manual proxy option and put host name as and port as the no. which you noted in step 2 (eg. 8080) and click save .

For Cellular Data-
1. Download psiphon from playstore and open it, choose Browser-Only mode don't tunnel whole device.
2. Go to its logs tab and check the port of http proxy.
3. Now open Setting>Sim cards>Sim 1/Sim 2 settings/Access Points Names and click on Connected APN
4.In Proxy put and port as the no. which you noted in step 2 (eg. 8080) and click save . 

Enjoy you have set up a VPN connection successfully.
You can open your browser and check your IP
Note: You have to undo this after you don't need VPN by changing manual proxy to none .

Credits :-
Tirth Patel (Built ROM from Source)
DU Team

We would like to give thanks to everyone that contributes to the Android community, big or small because every bit counts. Although we can't list each and every contributor within the Android community, we would like to highlight some of the teams and individuals that have made it possible NOT only with just this version of DU but throughout the years because we don't ever want to forget where we came from nor those that have helped us!

That said, on behalf of the DU team we say THANKS to....

JMZ Software
5 lb 6 oz Baby Jesus
Code Aurora Forum
Omni ROM
Android Open Kang Project (AOKP)
Android Ice Cold Project (AICP)
Max Weninger
Team Black Out
Pure Nexus Project
Knight Owls Porting Assassins
Ronnie Gonzales X170 Porter

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