[ROM] Samsung Galaxy Note 4 ROM for SKK Lynx mt6592

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 ROM for SKK Lynx mt6592
REMINDER! Please make sure to back your NVRAM folder or IMEI before Flashing this one!
How to backup your imei [CLICKHERE]

Flash it with your own RISK!!!

I am not responsible for any damage or soft/hard brick will happened to your device!

Download Link:

Galaxy Note 4 Ported by Aivenson Austria

*Same ROM as Ikuy's Note 4, but with bug fixes, tweaks, and i make it slimmer (from 505mb to 356mb
Samsung Note 4 UI almost 98%:
*Note 4 Boot logo/Animation by me
*Sms Bubbles changed to S5 Bubbles (from my S5 ROM from CM Thunder)
*Now can change default storage (phone or sd card)
*Auto Rotation working
Base ROM: Material v3
Material v3 Tweaks
No NVRAM Error
Still Odexed to optimize system
Removed unimportant files and apps to reduce ROM size.

Sames with Ikuy's Screenshots on his Note4 ROM.

How to install:
Golden Rules: Always backup first, Nandroid and Titanium.

Put Note 4 Skk Lynx.zip to SD Card.
Boot to recovery.
Wipe Data/Factory Reset.
Flash Note 4 Skk Lynx.zip
Wait and Reboot.
Wait for the ROM to boot and you've successfully installed Note 4 ROM

Charging while phone turn off doesn't show battery.

Incorrect Storage Info in Settings (Swapped name and wrong available memory info, doesn't affect performance). Open Titanium Backup to see real free memory.

Long press Home button doesn't show recent apps, but can by using floating side bar, or using pie controls in Gravity Box. It's recent apps is like recent apps of Lollipop

Android System force close issue: it happens when you restore a Launcher on Titanium Backup, don't include any launcher app in restore. I did not yet tried installing a Launcher app but i guess it will be the same as restoring launcher app in backup. So dont install another Launcher.

Report for others.

Credits and Thanks to:
Ernani Apajora Viaje
Nameless Porting Team
Glenn Canete Sandig
Jeff S. Rivera
IKuy Superar Nomura
And to those who are not mentioned :)

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