[ROM][5.1.1][unofficial][sprout4] CrDroid Lollipop For Android One

Rom Main features :
CyanogenMod theme manager;
Power menu customizations;
Nav bar tweaks (on/off toggle and custom dimensions);
Left handed navbar option;
Hardware keys disabler;
Hardware keys rebinder from CyanogenMod;
Keys backlight options to HW keys and keyboard;
Linked volume;
Expandable volume panel;
Customizable QS;
Heptic Feedback for tiles;
Battery text mode (from cm);
Battery icon options (from cm);
Media scanner behavior on boot;
HSPA + icons on status bar;
SlimRoms heads up customization;
Traffic metter on status bar;
Documents UI;
Gesture lockscreen;
Gesture anywhere (launch apps and activities from custom gestures);
Weather display on expanded status bar;
Hide camera shortcut on lockscreen;
Option to disable brightness slider from expanded status bar;
Wakelock blocker;
XuiMod toast animations;
AOKP custom system animations;
App circle sidebar;
CPU info overlay option in development settings;
[Connect/disconnect notification support;
Long click support on quick settings;
Screen recorder;
Animated rotation tile;
Wake up on plug;
Development shortcut;
Performance settings from CyanogenMod;
Clock and time clickable in expanded status bar;
Notification ticker;
Quick unlock;
PIN keypad shuffler;
Custom lockscreen shortcuts;
Answer calls with hardware home button;
Status bar clock tweaks (right, center or hide clock with many dates formats to show. Custom colors included);
Notifications counter;
Volume keys wake the device;
Ability to hide the alarm clock icon from status bar;
Dialer Lookup;
Profiles form CyanogenMod (new merges and lollipop style);
Protected apps (using trebuchet launcher);
Filter spam notifications;
CyanogenMod SuperUser;
Clear all button in recent panel with custom option (hide, top right or top left);
Disable search bar in recents;
Privacy guard from CyanogenMod with new Superuser access through it!!!;
Ability to hide superuser status bar icon;
Quick settings pull down with one finger (right, left or off);
Smart pull down;
Configurable 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree rotation;
Toggle to not allow quick settings on secure lockscreen;
Brightness control through status bar;
Double tap status bar sleep;
Data activity indicators;
Call blacklist support;
Increasing ring tone;
In call vibrations;
Ambient display (DOZE features);
Advanced reboot menu;
Option to hide adb notification;
Screen shot quick delete with confirmation;
Long press back to kill with configurable timeout;
Volume button custom actions (skeep track, wake screen, adjust sound and keyboard cursor control and swap volume buttons);
Less frequent notifications sound;
Advanced keyboard features (auto rotation with timeout, disable full screen, selector notification, show enter key, volume key cursor control);
New Eleven music player and AudioFX from CyanogenMod;
Among others. For more info visit github;


First Installation
- Make sure you're running a proper working Recovery (CWM or TWRP)
- Copy GApps and crDroid zip to your SDCard
- Boot into Recovery
- Flash crDroid zip
- Flash GApps zip
- Reboot
- Don't restore Apps using Titanium Backup!

Upgrading from earlier version of crDroid:
- Copy crDroid ZIP to your internal SDCard
- Boot into Recovery
- Flash crDroid zip
- Reboot

Download link:
Google Apps:

Don't expect any support if you:
- are not running stock crDroid-kernel (the one which comes with the rom)
- have installed any mods such Xposed!
- have modified system files
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